Friday, August 2, 2013

We are family

This past week my brother and his sweet little family came to visit us.  They have 2 boys.  M who is 2 and C who is 10 months.  Those boys are all boy.  Total balls of energy and just so dang cute I could squish them all the time!!  I had to work through most of their visit, but we still had a great time.

Every time all 3 boys are together, my poor mom tries to get them all in little matching outfits and take their picture.  It has yet to work out.  Well, my SIL and I had the boys all together (while the men golfed) and I decided to make it happen.  It was 15 minutes of pure chaos.  A 2 year old who skipped his nap, a 10 month old who is constantly on the go, and a 4 month old who can't sit up on his own. It was the best kid of ridiculous! Luckily we were still able to get some really good shots.

We took all 3 boys to the pool and had a great time.  M kept telling everyone "I in the poo!" or coming up to whoever wasn't in the poo with him and taking them by the finger and guiding them to go in with him.  So stinking cute!!!

It was such a great visit and I was so sad to see them leave.

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